Review and Edit Average Calculations' Details

Aspen includes procedures for six average calculations:

  • Cumulative average
  • Overall average
  • Semester running average
  • Standard overall average (for standards-based grades)
  • Standard trend (for standards-based grades)
  • Average of standards (for standards-based grades)

Depending on your school's Grade and Family/Student portal preferences, and a teacher's gradebook preferences, these averages appear in the:

  • Staff view on a teacher's Scores page (when Grade Columns are set to Averages or All)
  • School, Staff, and Special Education views (Student > Academics > Details)
  • Family and Student portals (Academics > Details)

You can edit the column header name and the descriptions that appear in the teacher's gradebook and in the Family and Student portals. Also, you can select a different procedure used to calculate the average.

Note: Your district can provide customized procedures to modify the way Aspen calculates these averages (District view, Tools > Procedures, Average Calculator category). Any customization should handle teachers' gradebook preferences for calculating averages (by weight or total points). Contact technical support for assistance.

To review or edit average calculations' details:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Grades > Average Calculations. The Average Calculations page appears.
  1. Select an average calculation, and then click Details. Use the following table to edit the fields:
  2. Field



    The procedure name for this average calculation appears and cannot be edited.

    Column header

    The default column header name that is associated with this average calculation appears, and can be edited.

    The column header name appears in the:

    • Staff view on a teacher's Scores page (when Grade Columns are set to Averages or All)
    • School, Staff, and Special Education views (Student > Academics > Details)
    • Family and Student portals (Academics > Details)

    Procedure ID

    If Aspen is using the default procedure to calculate this average, this field is blank.

    If your district has provided a procedure to customize this average calculation, click Search icon., and then select the procedure ID from the Procedure Definition pick list.


    A default description for how this average is calculated appears. This description can be edited.

    This description appears on a teacher's Scores page when hovering over the calculator icon in the column header for this average, and in the Single Student view.

    Portal Description

    If you want students and families to know how this average is calculated, enter a description here. In the portals, the information icon appears next to the average on the class details page. Users can hover over the icon to see your description.

  1. Click Save.