Rebuild sections in the School view
During the school year, you might need to add new sections because of
If you are a schedule builder or Aspen system administrator in your school, you can reschedule groups of students in the current schedule in the School view. The system reloads and rebalances students across all sections of a course when you delete, add or move a section to a different time slot.
To rebuild a section in the current schedule in the School view:
- Log on to the School view.
- Select Schedule > Sections.
Note: If you need to add a section, be sure to create the new section first. Then, select that section, and click Rebuild. |
- Select the section.
- On the Sections side-tab, click Rebuild.
The top of the page displays the current information about the section.
- Select one of the following schedule modes:
Delete and rebalance
This option will delete the current section and try to reschedule the students from this section into other sections of this course. If necessary, it will change a student’s schedule to make this happen.
Fill and rebalance
This option is for a newly created section and will fill this section from the other sections of this course and rebalance the numbers in all the sections. If necessary, it will change a student’s schedule to make this happen.
Rebuild and rebalance
This option will try to find another schedule period for this section and rebalance all of the sections. If necessary, it will change a student’s schedule to make this happen.
- Click Preview to preview the section without making the actual changes.
The page lists students who cannot be rescheduled for the course, students with schedule changes because of the proposed change, and students without schedule changes.
- For each student, click Detail… in the Schedule comparison column to view the student’s current schedule and their new schedule if you post the change to the section.
- Click the Sections sub-tab to view the new overall section balances for the course.
- If the changes you preview are acceptable, click Post to make the schedule change permanent. The Post Results For Rebuild pop-up appears.
- Use the following table to fill in the fields:
Delete the current section
If you are deleting a section and rebalancing the students from that section among the remaining sections of the course, select this checkbox to delete the current section from the master schedule.
Create snapshot a static picture of a particular group of records that you can file and easily retrieve for students not scheduled for the course
Select this checkbox, and type a name to create a snapshot of any students who cannot be scheduled in the course due to the rebuild of the section.
Create snapshot for students with schedule changes
Select this checkbox to create a snapshot off any student whose schedule is affected by the rebuild of the section. Then type a name for this snapshot.
- Click OK. The system rebuilds the section and makes the changes to the affected students’ schedules.